Implementation of alcohol-based surgical hand antisepsis: experience report


  • Juliana Prates
  • Ariane Batista Monteiro
  • Francyne Lopes
  • Diego Stumpfs
  • Gabrielli Guglielmi
  • Gabriel Narvaez
  • Roseli Cristofolini Bobsin
  • Rita Catalina Aquino Caregnato



Antisepsis. Infection. Nursing.


Objective: To describe the experience of surgical alcohol-based antisepsis on hand preparation of the surgical team. Method: Reporting the experience on deployment of alcohol solution for surgical hand antisepsis to replace brushing, during December 2014–July 2015. Results: Product was selected upon documentation analysis and application trial. Alcohol-based antisepsis was offered as alternative to the use of brushes impregnated with antiseptic. Scientific papers and advertising posters were available to the professionals. A total of 282 procedures were observed. The adherence rate to the alcohol solution ranged from 33% in the month of implementation to 54%, and compliance to the proper technique was observed in only 35.8% of cases. Conclusion: There was considerable adherence to the alcohol-based solution; it was observed as well economic impact and increasing of training demand for the right technique. There is a need to identify motivation factors and barriers for the successful implementation of this technology.


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How to Cite

Prates, J., Monteiro, A. B., Lopes, F., Stumpfs, D., Guglielmi, G., Narvaez, G., Bobsin, R. C., & Caregnato, R. C. A. (2016). Implementation of alcohol-based surgical hand antisepsis: experience report. Revista SOBECC, 21(2), 116–121.

