Difficulties in nursing care to pediatric patients in the immediate post operative period
Post-anesthetic recovery, Operating room nursing, Nursing assistance, Child.Abstract
This is a descriptive andexploratory field study, with the purposeto identify the difficulties of nursing teamin post-operative care to the pediatric patient. Data collection was obtained by means of a questionnaire with 22 questions answered by 34 nursing professionals who worked in the Surgical Center ofa public hospital in Sao Paulo. Results demonstrate that nursing lias difficulties in post-operative care to the pediatric patient who requircs more attention from thce staff, the main ones being related to: agitation, aggression, constant crying and high incidence of nausea and vomiting,which demand contínuing care for the prevention of respiratory complications.This child is behavior is intensified by the absence ofthe mother, whose entry is not permitted at this institution. Thus, itwas perceived the need for a comprehensive, individualized and humanized careto the child and the respect for your needs and your rights as an individual.References
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