Surgery cancellation: A integrative literature review
Hospital administration, Ambulatory surgical procedures, Operating room nursing.Abstract
This is a bibliographic study aiming at conducting a thematic analysis on knowledge production in journais and seeking to answer the foliowing guiding question: what is the scientific knowledge available and what are the actions proposed to manage surgery cancelation? Full articles published in databases SCIELO, MEDLINE,LILACS, SCOPUS and CINAHL from 2005 to 2010 in Portuguese, English and Spanish were included in the study. Content analysis was the methodological framework used, and Bardin was the theoretical framework that allowed for organizing the whole knowledge into three categories: inefficient communication between users and professionals, the consequences to institutions and professionals,and the actions recommended to minimize surgery cancelation. Through this review, actions are recommended in order to minimize surgery cancelation: communication between users and institutions, surgery confirmation, pre-anesthesia ambulatory consultation, monitoring of indicators and theme-related study groups.References
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