Nosocomial Infection control in Paraná: Nurse's facilities and difficulties
Nursing, Multi-professional, Cross infection (prevention & control).Abstract
Objective: To identify the nurse's difficulties and facilities about the nosocomial infection contral in Paraná. Method: Cross-sectional quantitative study with 29 infection control nurses working at institutions with one hundred or more bed sand HICC, formally constituted, took part in this survey. A questionnaire, sent via Web and mail services, was used and the answers statistically analized. Results: Both the difficulties and the facilities were divided into three categories: Institutional, Operational and organizational. Among the difficulties stood out: work overload (51,7%), uncommitted/unprepared professionals (58.6%), work devaluation by thenurses (10.3%). As to facilities: administration supporton taken decisions (27.6%), nursing staff's attachment to the guidelines (20.7%), medical staff's acceptance and respect as long as the confidence in the workby the contributors (20.7%). Conclusions: With reference to the difficulties, the work overload was stressed, which may be related to the fact that inthe MS 2626/98 decree it's only demanded to the nurse exclusivity and distinct workload compared to other professionals. On the other hand, confront the difficulties was perceived as a reward, sincethey achieved recognition for their work, noticed by the facilities found and the support in the decisions taken.References
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