Enfermagem de centro cirúrgico. Transplante. Transplante de órgãos. Obtenção de tecidos e órgãosAbstract
lJnderstanding the per-
torinance oí nursing staíí orLiig inthe Surgical Center to harvest mu Itipleorgans for transplantation as the ,i]]]]of th is studv, that is an exploratory, de-scriptive. qual itati\ e research. perlrmed\s ith four operati ng rooni nurses Iromfour hospitaIs of Porto Alegre ( RS)recogn iied hy the Tranplant Center asqual i fied to harvest imilti pIe orgalis. Datacol lection took place i n September 2010.w ith semi -structu red i nter i e\v. In thethematic content analvsis li\ e categoriesemerged: di ífi eu Ities encountered in theprocess Of removi ng niultiple organs:multidi sei p1 i nary team lbr harvesti namultiple organs: ethical stance to ardsthe donor: e\ olution ol ilursing in the do-nation-transplant lirocess: and systeniati-zation ofnursing assistance in har\ estingniultiple organs lor transplantation. Thenurses helie\ e their teams as trained andcommitted to act iii lhe proeess o! har est-ing multiple organs frr transplantation,and that aI 1 o f thcm use svstematizationof nursiníz assistance to run lhe process,C\ C11 though thcy use di tferent names.
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Sociedade Brasileira de Enfermeirosde Centro Cirúrgico, Recuperação Anes-
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