The impact of work of centre for materials processing in the quality of care
Nursing care, Role of the nurse, Sterilization, Warehouse central hospital, Quality of care.Abstract
This study investigated the importance of the work of the Centre of Material and Sterilization for the quality of care and to identify factors that facilitate and hinder the vork in this arca. This is a field research, descriptive and exploratory, with quantitative analysis, whose sample was composed of 45 professionals (six nurses and 39 technicians), who answered a questionnaire after completed the appropriate ethical and legal manner. All the respondents believe that the work of the centre reflects the quality of care provided to patients. The factors that facilitate their work are: teamwork,respect, commitment. good interaction between staff and leadership, incentives for professional development and others. The factors that hinder the workare: insufficient material to supply the demands of procedures, large numbersof priorities in care, lack of initiative indecision making and planning. It was concluded that the impact of the centrework reflects directly on the quality of customer service and staff are fullyaware of it.
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