Intraoperatory of liver transplantation: evidence based nursing pratic
Practical nursing, Liver transpiantation, Decision makingAbstract
The evidence-based practice transforms the care of nurses in a critical evaluation, providing a decision making integrated with an individual clinical experience bases on better external clinical evidence. This study aims to analyze the nursing care actions and identify levels of evidence and grades of recomemendation for nursing interventions in the surgery of liver trasnplantation. It is a literature review of the practices of nurses in the surgery of liver trasnplantation, consisting of articles that were analyzed and interpreted according to Bork and Minatel (2005). We obtained 12 articles related to nursing interventions such as positioning the thepatient ou the surgical table, bladdercatheterization of delay, avoidance ofhypothermia, deep vein thrombosis andskin iesions by pressure. It is concludedthat the nurse who works during thesurgery of liver transpiant pursuit perfonnactions based on scientific knowledge by providing targeted assistance to the hepatopatic, reducing possible damage can be caused to the patient.References
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