Nursing audit in surgical center: practice nurse auditor
Nursing Audit, Surgical Center, Hospital administration.Abstract
The nursing audit insurgical center is giving by means ofanalysis ofthe nursing notes, anestheticand surgicai descriptions, comparingthem with the coilections carried outin the debit of OR and recovery room.The objectives were to describe theimportance and the difficulties of thenursing audit and identify adverse eventsin this process in surgicai center. This isan experience report of the first authoras a nurse auditor. In this institution,the audit is performed by coding andcoliection of debts of the anesthetic-surgical procedures and analysis of thedocumentation invoived in this process.The medical chart is the main instrumentfor assessing the accounts and about90% of the anaiyzed ones showedunconformity, causing glosses by heaithinsurance companies, which can darnageinstitution's budget. It is importam to
to promote constant training programs inorder to guarantee the correct fihlingout form, reducing waste without injuretlie quaiity of care, contributing forthe organizations' financial resuits andachieving high levei of satisfaction byhealth insurance companies.
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