Training strategies for the nursing staff of a surgical oncology center
Operating room nursing, In service training, Continuing education Medical oncology.Abstract
In service training isan activity that is closely related toongoing education, especially in nursing.For having sei generis assistancecharacteristics and high-end complexity,in many cases, the surgical center end upnot receiving the attention of OngoingEducation. This experience report aims to demonstrate how the traiu i ng o ftechnical staff nurses in a surgicalcenter of a large hospital specialized inoncology is structLired, spreading themost relevant essential care that a nursingprofessional must know to he able toperforrn iii this sector, such as anesthesia,surgical positioning, admission in post-anesthetic recovery room, setting upan operating room, notions in computerand the properly handle of surgicalpatient's tissues for anatomopathologicalstudy. lhe purpose of this report is todemonstrate that even in a specializedsector, it is possible to enable youremployees ensuring safety and qualitycare during the trans-operative period.
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