Continuing education in central of material and sterilisation: meanings and difficulties faced by nursing
Sterilization, Education, Continuing, Nursing, TeamAbstract
The study aimed to analyzethe knowledge about Continuing Educa-tion of professionals froni the Centralof Material and Sterilization (CMS);understand, froni the perception of nurs-
ing professionals, the meaning of heingadequatelv prepared to act in CMS andidentify the difflculties liced hy nursingprolessionals iii the development of theiractivities. Data \s ere collected using struc-tured interview vith nursing professionalsoÍCMS ofa public hospital in Cajazeiras(PB). As analytical model, the techniqueof Collective Suhject Speech was used.Aniong the central ideas we highlight:unreadiness due to lack of updating:personal quest for inforrnation and quali-fication. knowledge impro\ ement, updatethemselves and provide quality ser' ice.Concludes that a new looL must fali onthe CMS, for being an extremely noblearca, eager for new knowledge. A greatercomiiiitnient to the quality of assistanceis needed, including the areness andcompetence of healthcare profissionalsand nianagers.
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