Humanization in transporting surgery patient
Humanização da assistência. Transporte de pacientes Enfermagem perioperatória.Abstract
This is a field study, descriptive and exploratory, with quanti-qualitative approach that aimed to verifyt he actions of the transportation team order to foster humanization duringthe transportation of patients to theSurgery Center and to identify actionsthat promote hurnanization. The sample was comprised oí20 nursing staff, havingdata collected at two separate nioments:non-participative observation during factransportation of patients and interviewswith the employees. It Nvas observed thatali participants identified themselves,greeted upon entcring the room, pushedthe stretcher from the head end andobserved the expressions on the facesof the patients; almost ali followed theroutines established by the institution asprovided iii the protocols. According tothe totality ofthe sample, the proceduresadopted are of great importance and theact of transporting the patient is relatedto hurnanization in hospital care. Actionsthat, according to the employees, maketransportation more humanized are: payattention to the patient, promote a dialog,reassure, and respect patients and theirIam i 1 ie
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