Equipament, Reuse, Sterilization, ProtocolsAbstract
The purpose of this study was to desenhe the development of a protocol for reprocessing catheters used in interventionist cardiology of a public insittuition. It was an experience report in which was described lhe necessary steps for elaboration of a validated protocol in a puhiic institution. All the nursing staff responsible for all lhe stages of the catheters reprocessing (inspection.cleaning. packaging and sterilization) was trained. The steps were described in detail giving all lhe procedures required for a safe reprocesslng and appropriate for the materiais. After the implementation of the protocol, a betier awareness of staff related to the material concern and the prevention of adverse events was observed. Thus, we hope that this study will contribute to lhe qualification and standardization of the reprocessing of materiais claimed as single-use.
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