Operating room teather as a caring enviroment in patient nurse relationship


  • Enêde Andrade da Cruz Enfermeira, mestre em Enfermagem, professora da UFBa e doutoranda em Enfermagem na UFC.
  • Enedina Soares Enfermeira, livre-docente e bolsista do Programa de Desenvolvimento Científico


surgical patient, Nursing care, Surgical Center


The patient in Surgica/ Center it demands nursing cares based in the needs evrdent and due to the imm117ence oi the surgical act or for the occurrences orig117af117g Iram oi the dynamics oi/ prepare environmental and oi the own patient respecfr17g its values and

117feraction form, to improve its confrontement condition to the surgery !t was ob;ectified 117 th1s study to ana/yze the nurse s care 117 the relationship with the patient, from its admrssion

117 Surgical Center untrl the entrance 117 the Roam oi Operatron start,17g Iram the three nurses' oi a pub!tc institution oi great load observation not sistematic located 117 fortaleza

(CE) The results aim that the phys1ca/ space, desfl17ed to the cares is !tinited, common to ai/ the elements oi the team and the demand oi people s f!ow, being 117c/uded the customers

that stay very close one oi the other ones, h117Jer117g, 117 a certain way,: the relationship patient nurse due to the no/ses 117 the communicatron, Iram its recepflon and accompaniment to the Roam oi Operatron


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How to Cite

Cruz, E. A. da, & Soares, E. (2004). Operating room teather as a caring enviroment in patient nurse relationship. Revista SOBECC, 9(2), 11–16. Retrieved from https://sobecc.emnuvens.com.br/sobecc/article/view/289

