Cataract surgery as an ambulatorial procedure: patients perceptions at the perioperative period.
ambu!atory surgery, cataract, cataract extraction, patient's feelingsAbstract
- The purpose oi the present study is to know the perceptions oi cataract carrier patients to the surgery procedure under ambu!atory system. A questionnaire with 3 6 ques tions was presen ted to 7 00 cataract patients whose surgery was performed at Medical School- UN ES P - Botucatu. Data were ana/yzed through percentual distribution. Most patients were 10-15 years o/d,nactive, !t'ved more than 7 00 kJ/ometers lar from the hospital, with e/ementary schoo/ /eve! and had already been hospita/ized The patients reported that they did not know how the surgery procedure and/or the anesthetic procedure wou!d be, that they were under treatment to improve their !tfe qualil y; they had understood the ,nformation given at the pre-surgery time and were ca/m with the presence oi an attenda nt. The long surgery time was the worst th1ng fe!t by the patients and th,s stressed them. The result oi the surgery was in accordance with the expectative oi 8 5 , 0 % oi patients. 8 3, 0 % oi the patient spreferred the ambu!atory surgery and 82, 0 % oi them had an improvement in their li /e, s qua!ity. Cataract surgery as an ambulatory procedure was satJs!actory ev en for elderly patients, !t'VJng more than 7 00 Mometers lar Iram the hospital and with !o w school leve!
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