Adolescents and Surgical Centre: Experience and Expectancies


  • Fabiane Micheli de Lima Graduanda em Enfermagem na Universidade do Sagrado Coração de Bauru (SP).
  • Célia Regina Maganha e Melo Enfermeira e professora mestra da Universidade do Sagrado Coração de Bauru (SP).
  • Márcia Regina Alves Rocha Enfermeira e professora mestra da Universidade do Sagrado Coração de Bauru (SP).


adolescents, Nursing, Surgical Centre.


ln this work, it was tried to identify  the  ado lescent's  expectancies, fears and anxieties during their attendance in a Surgical Centre (SC) . Forty-five adolescents who undergone a surgery were interviewed  in the pos-operative period, from March to May of 2002, in  a  general   hosp ita l.  Analysing   the results, it was notice that 4 2 adolescents (93%) were cordially received by the Nursing assistant; 80% waited the surgery in the local corridor and it revealed to e a negative aspect that set off fear, loneliness and nervouness; 5 5% reported that  they did n't  like  hospital clothing. Regarding the Nursing assistance in the se, 48.8% answered that it was regular and 6 4% said that they had a good assistance 60% reported that they didn't like the experience of undergoing a surgery, what allow us to conclude that the adolescents did n't like the waiting place and clothing, d id n't  have  contact  with  the  nurse  and neither their feelings were taken into cons ide rat ion


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How to Cite

Lima, F. M. de, Melo, C. R. M. e, & Rocha, M. R. A. (2005). Adolescents and Surgical Centre: Experience and Expectancies. Revista SOBECC, 10(1), 15–19. Retrieved from

