Quality Evalution in Supply Center


  • Claudia Campoi Roman Especialista em Centro Cirúrgico, Recuperação Pós-Anestésica e Centro de Material e Esterilização pela Universidad e Estadual de Londrina - PR .


client's level of satisfaction, Esterilization Material Center.


This research is concerned to one of the quality standards topics that is the Costumer Service Center (CSC), it tries to look for revealing the nurse's perception about the CME work, besides developing a motivational policy along with CME's helpers and employees, in arder to get a good partnership for a better service. For this, we use an dedicated form with seven questions related to CME work, as well as a space to fill in with remarks and suggestions that the participants judge necessary to re giste r. The outcomes allowed us to found out some issues that interfere in the quality of the service and also gave us subsidies to plan the activities that should be put together in the every day service existent.


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How to Cite

Roman, C. C. (2005). Quality Evalution in Supply Center. Revista SOBECC, 10(1), 32–35. Retrieved from https://sobecc.emnuvens.com.br/sobecc/article/view/303

