Comparing two surgical techniques of washing hands


  • Joelma Lúcia Nunes de Araújo Massete Enfermeira do Centro Cirúrgico e da CCICH da Rede Sarah de Hospitais do Aparelho Locomotor - Unidade São Luís; especialista em Centro Cirúr gico, Recuperação Anestésica e Centro de Material e Esterilização pela SOBECC (2003), com especialização em Administração Hospitalar pela UNAERP


antisepsis, hand washing, surgical scrub.


With intention of comparing two techniques of surgical hand antisepsis, a prospective study was accomplished with the male nurses team and surgeons of the surgical center of the Hospital Sarah/São Luís, in the period of June 2000 to June 2001. The techniques were classified in techniques "/\' and "B". Kindred of evaluating the effectiveness of the techniques as the elim ina tion of the transitory and part of the resident microbiota  of the professiona ls'  hands,  it was picked samples before and after the antiseptic surgical scrub by impression of the professionals' hands in plates of Petri, sowed in agar blood and for sterile swab humidified with physiologic serum 0,9% in  middle  of  culture  th ioglicolato .  The technique ''/\' was used by 77% (1O) of the professionals researched followed for 23% (3) of the others that used the technique "B". The differences between the used techniques were: uniformity and sequence of movements, repetition of the hand washing process and the accomplishment of the simple wash preceding the surgical wash and the time. Using the statistical test of Wilcoxon, considering p  =  0,0015,  15%  (02) of the professionals have presented bacterial growth (O1 used the technique ''/\' and the other used the technique "B") in the cultures accomplished after the surgical hand antisepsis procedure. The rnediurn time of surgical wash was 8 minut es. The applied statistical test in this study  to  compare  the  difference in effectiveness of the techniques didn't reveal significant result


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How to Cite

Massete, J. L. N. de A. (2005). Comparing two surgical techniques of washing hands. Revista SOBECC, 10(3), 24–29. Retrieved from

