Nursing Orientation: a Strategy to Minimize the Anxiety and Fortuitous Variations lmmediate to the Discharge lrom Hospital of Patients that Were Undergone to Mastectomy Operation


  • Silvana Policastro Enfermeira mestre pela Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (EEUSP).
  • Aparecida de Cassia Giani Peniche Professora associada do Departamento de Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica da EEUSP


mastectomy, anxiety, Nursing orientation, period perio­perative.


This purpose it measure the anxiety condition of patients from experimental and contrai gróup in the admission moment, in the discharge from hospital and in the first return to the hospital and to verify the relation of the nursing orientation to the patients after discharge from hospital, in the immediate post-operative of mastectomy of cancer. For this purpose it was measure the anxiety condition of patients from experimental and contrai group in the admission mamente, in the discharge from hospital and in the first programmed return to the hosp ita l . The  results obtained for the groups indicated that both of them have a medium levei of anxiety in the admission and low levei of anxiety in the discharge from hospital and in the first return to the hospital only 7 patient  show  pain and  muscle te nsion.


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How to Cite

Policastro, S., & Peniche, A. de C. G. (2006). Nursing Orientation: a Strategy to Minimize the Anxiety and Fortuitous Variations lmmediate to the Discharge lrom Hospital of Patients that Were Undergone to Mastectomy Operation. Revista SOBECC, 11(4), 24–30. Retrieved from

