Rellections on the Workers' Performance in the Material Center and Sterílizatíon Areas
Nursing, professional performance, Materials Sterilization Center.Abstract
The Materiais Sterilization Cent er (MSC) is the sector responsible for the processing of all odontological medical-hospital materiais, making it vital to the hospital stru cture. This study aims at reflecting about the conditions that influence the performance of the professionals that work in the MSC. A quanti-qualitative exploratory research, designed at the MSC/FUPB/LWUH, in the city of João Pessoa, throughout the month of September 2003, was designed to question 1 7 (seventeen) professionals of the MSC. A questionnaire was elaborated taking into account our object of study. Results showed that those participants easily adapted to their work, showed satisfaction in working in the MSC, acknowledged the importance of the sector in the hospital structure and identified factors which interfered in the work . Our conclusion is that participants' performance is sat isfacto ry; however, there are administrative hindrances peculiar to the institution which makes their work difficult.
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