Characterization of Patients who Had Surgery Postponed because of Perioperative Arterial Hypertension


  • Dalva Maria da Silveira Roland Professora auxiliar de ensino do curso de Graduação em Enfermagem da Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto (Famerp).
  • Claudia Bernardi Cesarino Professora doutora do curso de Graduação em Enfermagem da Famerp.


hypertension, surgery, intraoperative care.


lhe objectives of this studywere to characterize demographically thepatients who had surgeries postponedb ecause of perioperative arterial
h ypertenvon, anã to dentify surgeriessuspended by medical speciaities. it isa retrospective study, carried out in aschool hospital of the inner region ofthe State oF São Paulo, with 138patients who had surgery postponedbecause oí perioperative arterialhypertension. Data was collected bytwo forms, in the period from Januaryof 2002 to December oí 2004. lhefollowing results were verified: 87.7%oF the patients were 50 years oid orabove; 61,6% were íemale; 62.3%were married; 88.4% were white;37.7% were from other cities ai thesame region; 39.86% patients withsuspended ophthalmic surgeries and16.76% canceiled orthopedicsurgeries. lhis study demonstrated theimportance aí the control of arterialbiood pressure for the accompiishment of surgical procedure.


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How to Cite

Roland, D. M. da S., & Cesarino, C. B. (2007). Characterization of Patients who Had Surgery Postponed because of Perioperative Arterial Hypertension. Revista SOBECC, 12(1), 14–19. Retrieved from

