Relações interpessoais da equipe de enfermagem em Centro Cirúrgico
interpersonai communication, Nursing, Surgery Center, team workAbstract
The aim of ths study was toidentify positive or negative situationsin the interpersonai relations at SurgeryCenter, besides providing opportunity ofdiscussions for this teams interpersonaideveiopment. lhe focal group technique was used in the data coliection. For dataanalysis, the Content Analysis Methodwas used, and speeches interpretationhad the interpersonal Communicationtheoretical reference as basis. lhe re-sults showed that dialogue and feeiingvalued are positive situations, while lackof dialogue, team sense, carelessnessabout material economy, equipmentmaintenance and the ignorance of surgerycenter ruies and procedures are related asnegative situations and conílicting aspectsin relations. it was possible to concludethat the groups proposais should bemotivated by the managing team, sothese individuais feel they are part of thequaiiíied deveiopment process oí nursingassistance in the unit.
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