Humanization of the assistance to the child in the surgical center oncology


  • Damiana Cosmea da Silva Enfermeira do Serviço de Enfermagem em Centro Cirúrgico da Unidade I do Hospital do Câncer (HC-1) do Instituto Nacional do Câncer (Inca), do Ministério da Saúde, no Rio de Janeiro (RJ ).
  • Naluzia de Fátima Meirelles Enfermeira do Serviço de Enfermagem em Centro Cirúrgico da Unidade do Hospital do Câncer (HC-1) do Instituto Nacional do Câncer (Inca), do Ministério da Saúde, no Rio de Janeiro (RJ ) . Mestre em Enfermagem pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UF RJ). Título de especialista em Centro Cirúrgico pela SOBECC.


Operating Room Nursing, child, humanization, Oncology.


This article presents the systematization's  process  of  behavior for nursing  assistance  to  the  child  in the Surgical Center, developed in the Cancer Hospital 1/lnca -  RJ . For  Nursing assistance humanized, with softening of traumas, better acceptance of the anesthetic - surgical procedures and more interaction with the children ,  the nurses of the Surgical Center use strategies, among them the remaining of the family together with the child into the Surgical Center and the use of toys, as a therapy so they can express theirs sentiments play­ ing, and to establish a link and confidence with the professionals The authoresses describe the actions developed by the nurses in the Surgical Center addressed to the pediatrics  client,  and  approach the importance of the ludic place as scenario of the process of humanizati on. The innovations  in the work' s process of the Nursing brought significant answers with more comprehension, participation and interaction of the child and your fam­ ily, reflecting in the menta l, emotion and social well- being of the child assisted.


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How to Cite

Silva, D. C. da, & Meirelles, N. de F. (2009). Humanization of the assistance to the child in the surgical center oncology. Revista SOBECC, 14(1), 30–41. Retrieved from

