Teaching strategies in Perioperative Nursing: a student assessment


  • Carina Aparecida Marosti Dessotte afiliacao
  • Ana Sara Mendes Teixeira
  • Camila Daniela Amorin de Souza
  • Helena Megumi Sonobe


Perioperative Nursing. Teaching. Evaluation.


Objective: to describe the students’ evaluation of two undergraduate Nursing courses on the teaching strategies used in the discipline of Perioperative Nursing, in a Public University in the state of São Paulo. Method: an exploratory and cross-sectional study was conducted with students who were enrolled in the discipline prior to data collection. An instrument was created for multiple choice, addressing the evaluation of block theory, laboratory practice and clinical practice. Results: the participants were 39 students. The majority of the subjects evaluated the theoretical block as “good” or “very good”; the laboratories of clinical practice were evaluated by the majority as “good” and “excellent”; and the activities of clinical practice, developed in surgical wards, post-anesthetic recovery and operating rooms were evaluated, in general, such as “very good”. Conclusion: the teaching strategies used in the discipline of Perioperative Nursing were well evaluated by undergraduate students.


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How to Cite

Dessotte, C. A. M., Teixeira, A. S. M., Souza, C. D. A. de, & Sonobe, H. M. (2015). Teaching strategies in Perioperative Nursing: a student assessment. Revista SOBECC, 20(4), 189–196. Retrieved from https://sobecc.emnuvens.com.br/sobecc/article/view/44

