Surgical glove perforation: cleaning of medical devices versus surgical procedures




Cirurgia geral, Esterilização, Luvas cirúrgicas, Riscos Ocupacionais, Saúde do trabalhador.


Objective: To compare the surgical glove perforation rates in general surgeries and in the manual cleaning of medical devices. Method: This study was developed in a large teaching hospital in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. We compared the surgical glove perforation rates obtained from the leak test performed in two groups of gloves: (I) those used during manual cleaning of medical devices and (ii) those used in general surgeries. Results: The frequency of perforation was higher in the gloves used for cleaning medical devices (46.1%) than in those used for general surgeries (12.5%) (p=0.047), and the duration of use was associated with increased risk of perforation in both groups. No difference was found regarding perforations in the right and left hands or in the use of single or double gloving. Conclusion: The surgical glove perforation rate during manual cleaning reveals a higher risk to the worker who performs this activity and reinforces the contraindication of this type of glove for this purpose.


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How to Cite

Trindade, J. P. de A., Goulart, D. M. M., Boeira, E. R., Pinho, E. S., Silva, L. R. T., Borges, V. P. F. N., & Tipple, A. F. V. (2022). Surgical glove perforation: cleaning of medical devices versus surgical procedures . Revista SOBECC, 27.

