The patient safety culture in the adherence to the safe surgery protocol
Patient safety. Organizational culture. Checklist. Leadership.Abstract
Objective: To analyze the determining role of the patient safety culture in the adherence to the Safe Surgery Protocol of the Ministry of Health, by the surgical teams in healthcare organizations. Method: It is a theoretical critical reflection, grounded in narrative review of the scientific literature. Results: The global movement of the patient safety promoted in 2004 by the World Health Organization, led to the Second Global Challenge “Safe Surgery Saves Lives”, leading the Brazilian government to launch in 2013, the National Patient Safety Program, in which established the Protocol for Safe Surgery. Conclusion: It is necessary to change the paradigm of the blaming culture for a fair culture in the face of the incidents related to health care, so that the Surgical Safety Checklist inserted in this protocol is recognized and valued by the surgical teams.References
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