Ultrasonography for the evaluation of urinary retention in patients in post-anesthesia recovery





Ultrasonography, Surgicenters, Perioperative nursing


Objective: To describe the results of the investigation of urinary retention in patients in post-anesthesia recovery using ultrasonography. Method: This is a descriptive observational study in which the bladder content of patients in the post-anesthesia recovery room was estimated using ultrasonography to detect urinary retention. Twenty adult and aged patients with one hour of stay in the post-anesthesia recovery room of a large university hospital in Northeast Brazil were included between June and October 2022. Results: The urinary volume measured through this imaging exam had a mean of 588.3±327.6 mL, ranging from 80 to 1,275.4 mL. Urinary retention was identified in 45% of cases in this series, although only the complaint of pain associated with the need to urinate was a statistically significant indicative symptom of retention. There was no statistically significant difference between genders, and it was not possible to observe the influence of opioid use on urinary retention. Conclusion: Perioperative nurses should seek training for advanced techniques, including the use of ultrasonography, to assist in their practice.

Author Biography

Eduardo Tavares Gomes, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – Recife (PE), Brazil.

Enfº Assistencial da Unidade de Centro Cirúrgico HC/UFPE. Doutorando em Ciências pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Enfermagem em Sáude do Adulto da Escola de Enfermagem da USP Mestre em Enfermagem - PAPGENF UPE/UEPB. Esp. em Enf. em Suporte Avançado de Vida - FENSG-UPE. Esp. em Enf. em Cardiologia - PROCAPE - SES-PE


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How to Cite

Gomes, E. T., Adelino, S. D. V. de N., dos Santos , R. I. dos, Monteiro, E. M. L. M., & Oliveira, J. A. do N. (2024). Ultrasonography for the evaluation of urinary retention in patients in post-anesthesia recovery. Revista SOBECC, 29. https://doi.org/10.5327/Z1414-4425202429934

