Management of acute compartment syndrome: case report




Perioperative care, Fasciotomy, Patient positioning, Debridement, Nursing


Introduction: Acute compartment syndrome (ACS) is defined as any increase in interstitial pressure within the bony-fascial compartment and consists of an adverse event in the intraoperative period, resulting from surgical positioning. Objective: To report a case of fasciotomy in the lower limbs after ACS. Method: Case report registered in a large public teaching hospital, with a highly complex care profile. Results: Patient underwent videolaparoscopic surgery to remove endometriosis, having remained in the gynecological position for 9 hours, developing ACS in the immediate postoperative period (IPO). The patient underwent decompressive fasciotomy to treat ACS in the second postoperative period, and nine other surgical approaches to continue treatment. She remained hospitalized for 45 days. Conclusion: The training of nursing professionals, knowledge about surgical patient safety and teamwork throughout the anesthetic-surgical procedure are essential for reducing adverse events and quickly identifying and treating complications.


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How to Cite

Lopes, S. G., Ichikawa, C. R. de F., Mazote, S. D., da Silva, L. L., & dos Reis, S. S. (2024). Management of acute compartment syndrome: case report. Revista SOBECC, 29.

