Physiological parameters of patients in post-anesthetic recovery: cross-sectional study




Perioperative nursing, Nursing care, Surgicenters


Objective: To map the profile of physiological parameters of patients upon discharge from the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) and analyze physiological changes related to the Aldrete and Kroulik Index (AKI) parameters in immediate postoperative patients in anesthesia recovery. Method: Cross-sectional study conducted from May 2021 to April 2022 at the PACUA of a public university hospital, evaluating physiological parameters and AKI scale. Data collection was prospective, with simultaneous medical record review during patient care in PACU to record variables at five different time points. The sample comprised 88 patients. Results: Predominance of female patients (57.9%), mean age 52.39 (±16.57) years, and average stay in the unit was 91 minutes. At discharge, patients showed average normal blood pressure (121/71 mmHg), heart rate (71 bpm), normal respiratory rate (17 breaths per minute), hypothermia (35.0°C), and adequate oxygen saturation (97%). The overall mean AKI score was 8.5. Conclusion: Patients demonstrated stable physiological parameters consistent with the minimum AKI score for discharge from PACU, although intervention was needed for body warming to maintain temperature.


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How to Cite

Luna, A. A., Pinho, C. M. de, Caldas, S. de A. M., Paixão, C. de M. C., Silva, F. F. e, Fassarella, C. S., Silva, N. C. M. da, & Souza, P. A. de. (2024). Physiological parameters of patients in post-anesthetic recovery: cross-sectional study. Revista SOBECC, 29.

