Post Anesthesia Care of brazilian Hospitals: Organizational and Care Aspects
Anesthesia recovery period, Nursingcare, Postoperating period.Abstract
This study aimed to analyze the organizational and care structure of Post-Anestehetic Care Unit (PACU) in Brazilian hospitais and to comparethe actual situation with which advocates the nationalscientific literature on this subject. It is a field study,exploratory, descriptive, quantitative, conducted with 69 nurses participating in the 91 Brazilian Congress of Perioperative Room Nurses, Anesthetic Recoveryand Sterilized Material Center, sponsored by SOBECC, in July 2009. Aquestionnaire was developed containing sample characterization and the unity of PACU. The results showed that: in most institutions the PACU is part of the physical piant of the SurgicalCenter (SC); nurses, mostly, are female and has been operating for less than tive years in these institutions; and the Aidrete-Kroulik index is used as a dischargecriteria in nearly almost haif of these institutions. it is concluded that, despite legal requirements, a large number of PACU has not presented material and organizational resources essential to provide safecare to the patient during the post-anesthetic period.References
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