Checklist of optical materials of videosurgery: Effectiveness of the instrument


  • Simone Batista Neto Arza Enfermeira, Mestre em Enfermagem pela Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (EEUSP), Especialista em CC, RA e CME, Coordenadora do CM do Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo (ICESP).
  • Maria Socorro Vasconcelos Enfermeira, Especialista em Enfermagem em CC, RA e CME pela Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas(FMU), Enfermeira do CME do ICESP.
  • João Francisco Possari Enfermeiro, Doutor em Enfermagem pela EEUSP, Diretor de Enfermagem de Pacientes Internos do ICESP.
  • José Eduardo Lopes Silva Engenheiro Clínico, Diretor do Departamento de Engenharia Clínica e lnfraestrutura do ICESP.
  • Marcelo dos Santos Silverio Concianci Tecnólogo, Gerente da Engenharia da Clínica.
  • Karine Azevedo São Leão Ferreira Enfermeira, Doutora pela EEUSP, Pesquisadora na Área de Dor do ICESP.


Optical fibers, Fiber optic technology, Laparoscopy, Effectiveness, Checklist.


To evaluate the effectiveness of using the checklist as a standard checking tool to verify the operation and structure of optical and fiber optic cables used in Iaparoscopic procedures and examine whether, when deploying the checklist, there was areduction in the number of damaged optics. Method: This is an experimental study that compared the samples measured in the September 2009 to January 2010 period (before implementation of the check-list) and from February to June 2010 period (after implementation of the checklist). Results: During the study period there were 1219 Iaparoscopic surgical procedures, being 473 before and 746 after the implementation of the checklist. After the implementation of the checklist, there was a reduction of 50% of the median number of damaged optics and 56.3% of average monthly expenses for repairs and replacement optics. Conclusion: It was verified a reduction of damaged optics and the monthly expenses average for repairs and replacement of optics suggesting the effectiveness of the checklist. The instrument allowed the standardization of the process of identifying the integrity and image quality of optical and fiber optic cable, as well as the training of nursing staff and clinical engineering involved.


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How to Cite

Arza, S. B. N., Vasconcelos, M. S., Possari, J. F., Silva, J. E. L., Concianci, M. dos S. S., & Ferreira, K. A. S. L. (2012). Checklist of optical materials of videosurgery: Effectiveness of the instrument. Revista SOBECC, 17(4), 65–72. Retrieved from

