Role of nurse in the cleaning and disinfection of materials for upperendoscopy
Endoscopy, Cleaning, Disinfection.Abstract
Aiming to describe the role of the nurse in an Upper Endoscopy Unit and in a Center for Material sand Sterilization facing the process of cleaning and disinfection of endoscopic equipment and accessories, this study used the theoretical vision of nurses, comparing it with their professional experience. lt is a descriptive and expioratory study, with quali-quantitativedelineation. The methodology evolved was based on the standardization of cleaning and disinfection of endoscopy devices guide line from Brazilian Society of Nursing in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy(Sociedade Brasileira de Enfermagem em Endoscopia Gastrointestinal - SOBEEG) which subsidized the application of a semi-structured questionnaire to 10 nurses from a pubhc hospital in Salvador-BA. The results showed that, even withthe progress ofgastroenterology nursing practice and with the knowledge of the endoscopy nurse on SOBEEG Guideline,there is a know-how deficiency about key aspects of the appropriate processingof endoscopic products, which mayendanger their assistance in this scope.References
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